24 Hours in Brussels

One of my favorite things about Europe is how easy it is to travel between countries. In the states a two-hour train ride gets you to a cornfield. In Europe, it gets you to a different country.

So one morning while I was in Paris, I decided to visit my cousin Angie who lives in Brussels. It couldn’t have been easier – I merely hopped on a train and within two hours was in Belgium.

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

My cousin is basically goals – she has a gorgeous apartment in Brussels, her own PR company, and tons of expat friends.

Brussels, Belgium

Honestly, Brussels isn’t my favorite city. I find it a bit grey and modern. But having a local guide always helps, and I loved walking around and taking photos of Flemish architecture.

By around three we had covered some serious ground and I was ready for lunch. I counterbalanced our epic walking tour with a calorie-bomb of a meal; fries with mayonnaise and a gaufre de Bruxelles topped with strawberries and whipped cream.

(While we’re on the topic of waffles – is it just me or are gaufres de Lièges clearly superior to gaufres de Bruxelles? Gaufres de Lièges are a bit airy for me.)

Brussels, Belgium

After lunch, we continued exploring the city on foot. I also bought no less than 70 euros of chocolate. When in Brussels, amirite?

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

We capped off our epic food-filled day with … more food. Specifically,mort subite, a tart fruity beer, and gouda with celery salt.

Brussels, Belgium

On the way home we stopped to take photos of the Grand Place at night, which was just pure magic.

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Like my last trip to Brussels, I enjoyed the best of Brussels in one day: fries, beer, waffles, and Flemish architecture. All in all, it was a pretty solid 24 hours.

Have you ever been to Brussels? Which photo is your favorite?

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

14 thoughts on “24 Hours in Brussels”

  1. Brussels was one of the cities I visited on my honeymoon and I really loved it. I liked how it had so many angles to it-Parisian, European, old, modern, etc. And nothing compares to the sheer beauty of the Grand Place, day or night! Now that I’m more of an uber foodie, I’d love to return to go on a food tour!

    My favorite photo is probably of the cobblestone street with the Belgian flags-sans the people in the clearly 21st century dress, it looks like it could have been from another time. What I love about Europe-the past is just as alive as the present.

  2. It never fails to astonish me how easy it is to get to different countries in Europe. One of the reasons I’m moving there! I’ve never read a lot about Brussels, so was very interested for this blog post. One thing I HAVE heard about though, is their waffles! Mmm looks delicious — any flavour recommendations?


  3. I’m an expat in Brussels and loved your post on this slightly strange city. What was your fave beer that you tried? I think one of my fave things about this little city is the variety of bars and quirky neighborhoods. Thanks for a fun post!

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