Saturday Snapshot 2

In order to file my au pair visa, I had to drive five long hours to the French consulate of Chicago. Considering I lived in Chicago for the past four years, it was also an excuse to visit some very beloved friends and family. And to enjoy some much-needed bonding time with little brother.

I had a hard time narrowing things down — I need your votes! Will it be photo one, two, three or four?

Photo One

Chicago View

This is the view from my little brother’s apartment, isn’t he lucky?

Photo Two


This is my little brother. He’s a cutie.

Photo Three

Chicago Architecture

This is the lion in front of the Art Institute of Chicago, notice the four-star Chicago flag in the background. Also adjacent building.


Photo Four

Chicago Skyline

I found these funky skyscrapers on a walk back from Trader Joe’s. Weird, right?

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

8 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot 2”

  1. Photo 4. I’m from Chicago and don’t ever recall seeing the building pictured to the right of the CNA Center. The architecture boat tour in Chicago is a great way to learn about the different styles of buildings in the city.

    • That’s my favorite photo too, Chicago’s architecture is so quirky that it’s fun to walk around. I’ll have to look into the boat tour though!

  2. I really like the Chicago pictures. Living in Milwaukee, Chicago has always just been a quick train or bus ride away…or drive for that matter. It’s always a joy to visit Chicago!

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