Solo in Seattle: The Ups and Downs of Traveling Alone in your Home Country

Do you ever do something scary just to prove to yourself that you’re brave? That’s what my solo weekend in Seattle was- a personal challenge. While I’ve traveled solo to 12 countries in Europe and Asia, I’d never traveled solo in the U.S. So I figured, why not now? While I loved Seattle, my trip wasn’t perfect. … Read more

Snapshots from (Unbelievably Beautiful) Telluride, Colorado

Beautiful Telluride, Colorado in the Summer

I apologize in advance for the overuse of hyperbole in this post. But seriously, Telluride is the most beautiful town in the world, and I had the best weekend ever there. Early one Friday in August, I drove seven hours with friends to Telluride, a tiny mountain town in southwestern Colorado. As I secretly hate road trips, I couldn’t … Read more

Ice in August: Hiking St. Mary’s Glacier in Idaho Springs, Colorado

St Marys Glacier Hike Colorado

People in Colorado love the outdoors with a fervor I’ve not seen elsewhere. My company, Sovrn, is particularly outdoorsy; my coworkers enjoy everything from bouldering to rafting to high-altitude scuba-diving. Which I love- not only do I have built-in hiking buddies, my coworkers also inspire me to see new places in Colorado. One morning at the office, I … Read more

Nerding Out at Harry Potter World

Harry Potter World

Long before I was a traveler, I was a nerd. My favorite movie ever is Lord of the Rings, I played Pokémon until I was a senior in high school (no, but seriously) and I’m a lifelong Harry Potter fan. I’ve not only read all the Harry Potter books in English (obviously), I’ve read quite a few in Spanish … Read more

A Weekend on a Montana Ranch: Experiencing Big Sky Country Firsthand

I won’t lie- domestic destinations have never held as much allure to me as international ones. I’ve always saved my dollars for overseas trips- in fact, I’ve visited twice as many countries as I have states! (That would be 38 and 19, for your information. The shame, I know.) But there’s something about Montana that has always intrigued me. … Read more