20 Photos That Will Inspire You to Visit Scotland

This May, I spent a week in Scotland with one of my favorite travel buddies – my dad My dad is a die-hard history buff, so traveling Scotland with him was a joy. (He’s also one of the funniest people I know, which helps too.)

We spent three days of our trip in Edinburgh, and the rest road-tripping the Scottish Highlands. Spending time in Edinburgh was delightful. I realized Edinburgh is the perfect city for bookworms; it’s the birthplace of Harry Potter, and the fount of so many illustrious authors and poets.

We also enjoyed road-tripping the Highlands, though the narrow roads were harrowing. Highlights included hiking Old Mann Storr on the Isle of Skye, enjoying the taste of whiskey for the first time (the trick is to drink it with ice!), and witnessing a cèilidh (a traditional Scottish gathering, usually with music).

Scotland is a magical, wild, sparsely populated place, and I enjoyed every minute of being there. Here are my favorite photos of the trip:

20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland 20 unique photos of Scotland20 unique photos of Scotland

Have you been to Scotland? Which photo is your favorite?

The photo from Arthur’s Seat in this post was from my first trip to Scotland, but I liked it so much I had to include it.

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

20 thoughts on “20 Photos That Will Inspire You to Visit Scotland”

  1. Hey Ashley, gorgeous pics! My camera roll looks similar at the moment — just did a road trip there last week. First time to Scotland and had a blast w/my family. ;-)
    Have a great summer!

  2. Scotland is so beautiful. Iona is one of my all-time favourite places, along with Anguilla in the Caribbean. We are heading up to the Isle of Mull in a couple of weeks, so I’ll be able to revisit Iona once again. Sitting on the perfect white sandy beach staring at the turquoise water is amazing. It comes pretty close to the beaches of Anguilla, although the midges can be a pain. Orkney is special too.

  3. Road trips are the best way to explore Scotland beyond the tourist attractions; however, driving in Scotland can also be quite intimidating.

  4. I just read you post about Florence and now this one, your parents sound amazing haha. And these photos definitely do inspire me to go to Scotland. I’m actually going for the first time this bank holiday and am very excited

    Jenny | localleo.co.uk

  5. That is so sweet, that you traveled around Scotland with you dad. Great photos. Love the castle!

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