Life After Uganda: What I’m Doing Now

Last fall in Germany, a few weeks before doing the Camino

Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since I updated you. I’ve been so quiet on social media that even some of my close friends have asked if I’m still in Uganda, ha.

Here’s the situation.

After living in Uganda for almost a year, I flew back to the states in December. Now I’m temporarily living at my parent’s house in Michigan while job-hunting for jobs in New York City and San Francisco.

I may be an expat again at some point, but for now, I want to be closer to family. Last year, I was in Uganda during a family emergency, and being unable to return home was heart-wrenching. So for now, I’m staying close.

My life currently: snowy days in Michigan. The cold feels glorious after a year on the equator.

When I’m not job-hunting, I’m putting together a non-fiction book proposal (about France, shocker). It’s been my dream to be an author since I was, oh, five years old, so it’s time to start making that happen. And even if no one accepts my proposal, writing it will be good practice for the next time I have a book idea. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Additionally, I’m trying to blog more. Last year, I toyed with the idea of becoming a full-time blogger, but frankly, my heart’s not in it.

The problem is that the content I love to create, stories about my the places I go and people I meet, doesn’t monetize well. And I don’t do well as a permanent nomad – I prefer having a home base.

So, I want to forget about blogging full-time and go back to why I started this blog in the first place; to share stories, and to improve my writing and photography. I might only blog once a week, but I’d rather prioritize quality over quantity. Plus, does the internet really need another post on The Top 10 Vegetarian Restaurants in St. Petersburg, Florida?

If there’s any specific content you’d like to see, please let me know. I worked remotely for part of last year, and ended up visiting London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Munich (for Oktoberfest!) the Italian Alps, Bologna, and Florence. I also have posts I want to share about Uganda (especially mountain-biking with zebras, so amazing) and the Camino de Santiago, which I still can’t believe I did.

Thanks for reading and coming along for the ride. You guys have provided me with so much support and advice over the years, and as ever, I’m very grateful.

(Photo by Julika Sarah.)

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

9 thoughts on “Life After Uganda: What I’m Doing Now”

  1. Sounds like it’s been a hard decision, but hopefully one that you have peace about. I hope you settle in well back home and find something that you can pour your heart into :)

  2. Good luck with the job hunt! I’d love to hear about Bologna! I’m heading there for my 30th birthday and meeting some friends from home, so I’m excited to eat (and drink) everything!

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