Authentic Quiche Lorraine Recipe (With Bacon and Gruyère)

Ah, quiche Lorraine. It seems like I make you almost every day. Is it because you’re easy to prepare and only require five ingredients that I always have on hand? Or is it because you’re delicious, filling and everyone loves you (even kids?)? I suppose it’s because you’re all of the above and more.

A classic quiche lorraine recipe

Quiche Lorraine, by the way, hails from Lorraine, a province in eastern France. (Loyal readers may remember I recently journeyed to the neighboring state of Alsace.) This is hearty French peasant food at its finest- when inexpensive ingredients and simple preparation yield maximum flavor.

Also, as one reader pointed out, all of my recipes seem to include cheese, cream, and bacon. And… what do you know? This recipe includes all three, ha. #ImSorryImNotSorry

Quiche Lorraine

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Classic Quiche Lorraine Recipe 


  • One 9- or 10-inch (23-25 cm) tart pan
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon
  • Chef’s knife
  • Cheese grater


  • 1 pie crust (pâte brisée or short-crust pastry)
  • 3 large eggs (or 4 small ones)
  • Crème fraîche (3/4 cup or 20 cl)
  • Grated gruyère (8 ounces or 250 g)
  • Either bacon or ham (if bacon or lardons, about 1/2 cup (make sure to fry beforehand!), and if ham, jambon blanc, 3 slices)
  • A few tablespoons of milk
  • Salt (1 teaspoon)
  • Pepper (1/2 teaspoon)


  1. Preheat oven to 375ºF (190ºC).
  2. Gently lay the pie crust inside the tart pan over the wax paper that comes with the pre-made crust (or just use regular wax paper if you made your own crust).
  3. Slice the ham into small pieces.
  4. Grate the cheese and set aside.
  5. In a mixing bowl, mix the eggs, cream, milk, cheese, and meat together. Add salt and pepper once smooth.
  6. Pour the mixed ingredients onto the pie crust.
  7. Grate a little more cheese over the quiche.
  8. Bake in the oven for around 35-40 minutes.
  9. Take out of the oven when quiche has become somewhat firm.
  10. Let cool and serve room-temperature. *

*While this is based on personal preference, most French people prefer quiche lorraine served room-temperature, so prepare the quiche several hours before dinner if you have time.

And voila, you’re done! Quiche pairs well with a simple salade verte and a nice glass of riesling, in my humble opinion.

Have you ever tried quiche Lorraine?

P.S. Tarte Flambee Recipe: Alsatian Pizza with Bacon, Crème Fraîche, and Onions and The Ultimate French Onion Tart Recipe.

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

10 thoughts on “Authentic Quiche Lorraine Recipe (With Bacon and Gruyère)”

  1. I haver never made a quiche, but like them very much. Will look forward to your making some at the Point? Right?



  2. I loooooved making quiches in France! And found it so quaint that at all my au pair kids’ school pot-lucks/bake sales, all the moms would bring their favorite quiche. Wish I had more access to these things in Korea (no cheese!!! so sad!!), but I can’t wait to make quiche and other cheezy things whenever we make it back to the US… or go to France again??

  3. I really live Quiche! I prefer it warm, though, but then again I was never one for cold food. Quiche Lorraine is my favorite, but I also enjoy it in a Provencale style, just to have more veggies. :)

  4. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at making quiche someday…guess now’s the time! This recipe looks great, Ashley—and I like that you’re continuing the bacon/cheese combo :) :) :)

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