The Beauty of San Sebastián at Sunset

San Sebastián- Basque Country’s most beautiful city, is never more stunning than at sunset, especially from the summit of Monte Igueldo. From there you can soak in the views of San Sebastián, which contain beach and sky and mountains.

Though I know I’m an amateur photographer at best, I think theses are some of the best photos I’ve ever taken, which is in no small part due to San Sebastián inherent natural beauty.













Overall it was a beautiful and nearly spiritual way to spend our last few hours in San Sebastián.

Which picture of San Sebastián is your favorite?

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

4 thoughts on “The Beauty of San Sebastián at Sunset”

  1. I definitely know what you mean about the Photography aspect: When the surroundings and the light is beautiful, you really can’t help, but take stunning pictures! :) San Sebastian looks so beautiful – I would love to visit some day!


  2. Wow your photos really are beautiful! I think you’re selling yourself short when you say “amateur” hehe :) The first one was absolutely beautiful. But now you’ve made me want to go there! But I only have 3 weeks left in Europe… how the heck am I going to squeeze that in!?! :) Are you still in Spain? Enjoy! Almeria is a delight if you can make it to the south…

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