A Blissful Sunday Picnic in a French Park

Spring- a magical season wherever you may be, but one that feels particularly magical in Paris- do you know what a relief it is to feel sunshine on your face and squish grass under your toes after the dreariest, greyest winter of your life?

Paris April1


In our own Parisian form of sun-worship, we headed to the crowded park to soak up some vitamin D, listen to some tunes (Sublime somehow felt very appropriate), and feast on every French goodie we could get our hands on- goat cheese, goat cheese chips, pink champagne and baguette all very much included.



Out of everything about my life in France it is this that I will miss the most- living in a country where it makes perfect sense to sprawl out on the grass with a cheap bottle of Cotes de Rhone, laughing and snacking on baguette and goat cheese. That just doesn’t happen anywhere else.



And maybe the endless, dreary winter is what turns a sunny spring day in April into something so much more.


Towards the end of the afternoon we took some time to wander, (barefoot, incidentally), and marvel at the panoramic views of Paris.

Paris April




And as you may have already concluded, it was a simple, but achingly lovely, spring day.

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

5 thoughts on “A Blissful Sunday Picnic in a French Park”

  1. Love this! Just a bit of simple spring sunshine joy! Please let winter really be over (I swear it’s trying to come back again this weekend in the UK)!

  2. There is nothing like a spring day and a picnic.
    It looks as though you and and your friends knew how to
    enjoy both.



  3. This location is looking fantastic and your blog is looking great with the snapshots of this location. I love to go for picnics with friends. We can get more fun in picnics. After getting through your blog I found it’s useful for me to make a plan to visit this place. Thanks for inspiring me through this post.!!!

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