Travel and Blogging Recap: November 2019

Hey guys! I’ve decided to bring back my monthly recaps. Blogging these days feels so… strategic, so I wanted to have a place where I could casually share my travel plans, book recommendations, and life updates. I’m also going to start sharing traffic and income reports. Thanks for reading!

Hey everyone! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. If you didn’t celebrate Turkey Day, I hope you’re enjoying December so far.

In November, I swung down to Antigua with my family for my cousin’s wedding. Needless to say, had a fantastic time.

On the home front, I’ve been putting my head down and trying to blog as much as possible. Next semester, I’ll have a TON of classes, so I’m trying to get out as much content while I still can.

Where I’ve been:

  • Ann Arbor, Michigan (28 days)
  • Antigua & Barbuda (3 days)
  • Miami (1 day)

September Highs:

Going to Antigua for the weekend. I still can’t believe we flew all the way to the Carribean just for three days! That being said, it was totally worth it. The wedding was a black-tie affair, so I got to dress up and drink champagne, two of my favorite things. (Does anyone else love dressing up?) We also spent one day body-surfing in the ocean, which was a delight.

Attending language meet-ups. I’ve started using to find French and Spanish meet-ups. I had been afraid to try for years, but have realized it’s a great tool for meeting people with similar hobbies. Who knew? Everyone but me, apparently, ha.

Celebrating Thanksgiving. This year, I celebrated Thanksgiving at home with my parents, siblings, and grandparents. Food, family, and cozy fall weather — what could be better? My contributions this year (challah stuffing and bacon-roasted Brussels sprouts) were well-received, which I was happy about.

September Lows:

Canceling my trip to Cuba. For reasons beyond my control, I had to cancel my trip to Cuba, which was a bummer. But in retrospect, I have mixed feelings about visiting a country that’s under a dictatorship, so maybe it was for the best.

A terrible Google update. In November, I posted more blog posts than I have in years. But in a cruel twist of fate, my traffic and income plummeted, due to a Google search update in early November. Buh bye, 30% of my traffic.

Blogging Stuff

Popular posts

Most popular post: 9 Reasons to Visit Russia Immediately (Aside from the Fact That It’s Magical) – People seemed to enjoy my write-up about my four-day trip to Russia. My trip to Russia was last-minute and unplanned, which honestly made the experience even better.

Other posts published in October:

Blogging traffic & income (November 2019):

October traffic: 37,555 page views

September blogging income – $760.91

  • Advertising – $658.73
  • Affiliate income (Amazon) – $67.57
  • Affiliate income (not Amazon): $17.70
  • Ebook sales: $17.51

Note that this is my blogging income before deductions or expenses.

Favorite read of the month

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

I devoured this book. Written by a therapist about her experience going to therapy, this book offered a fascinating inside glance into the psychotherapy field. The writing was excellent as well — I was impressed with how masterfully the author wove her storyline together with those of her patients. Highly recommended!

Up next:

Park City, Utah – In December, I’m heading to Park City for a ski trip. My best friend from high school recently moved to Salt Lake City, so I’m super excited to catch up with her as well.

Colombia? – I’m also about to pull the trigger on a solo, week-long trip to Colombia in March. (P.S. Is it nuts to go to Colombia alone?) If you have any recommendations, please share in the comments!

How was your November? I’d love to hear about your travel plans and any good books you’ve read lately.

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

4 thoughts on “Travel and Blogging Recap: November 2019”

  1. You’re the third blogger I follow who has mentioned being impacted by the Google search update. That’s crazy.

    Hope you have a wonderful December and get to enjoy a restful break!

  2. I have long since wanted to visit Antigua and your pics on IG long since confirmed it! Hopefully within the next few years I’ll get there!

    Colombia sounds awesome, Cartagena has been at the top of my wish list since forever so I’ll live vicariously through you until I get there (I mean the food alone…)

    I spent November in Europe-mainly in France but then also Amsterdam (a city that I had never been to for some odd reason lol). Came to the conclusion I’m not the biggest fan of late fall in northern Europe :)

    I too have seen my traffic plummet, such a depressing bummer especially when you spend so long writing and working on posts.

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