2019 Goals + Resolutions

20 unique photos of Scotland

Hey guys! As we all know, 2019 is here. Personally, I couldn’t be happier. 2018 was a really tough year for me with lots of change and ambiguity (leaving Uganda, moving back to Michigan, starting grad school) so I’m not sad to see the back of it.

I’m feeling very hopeful about 2019, so I wanted to share my resolutions and goals.

I warn you, this year I may have the world’s most boring resolutions — is this part and parcel of being in your late twenties?

Case in point – I’m writing this while drinking my first oat milk latte (surprisingly delicious) because I’m doing dairy-free January. See what I mean?

1. Work out three times a week + meal prep every Sunday

Historically, I’ve been an all-or-nothing exerciser. I either work out six days a week or not at all. So this year, my goal is to exercise a reasonable three times a week. I’d also like to stick to workouts I already know and love, like reformer pilates, tennis, skiing, and spinning. No more Crossfit or strength training for me, thanks.

Finally, I’d like to meal prep at least two delicious, healthy meals every Sunday. I love having healthy food on hand, so this is something I intend to prioritize.

2. Buy books at local bookstores

Instead of buying my books from Amazon, this year I want to support local bookstores. Ann Arbor has so many quirky local bookstores, and I want to do my part in keeping them afloat.

3. Limit my fast fashion purchases

I love Topshop as much as the next girl, but after watching The True Cost on Netflix, this year I want to curb my fast fashion consumption. Instead of buying fast fashion garments that will soon disintegrate, I want to make an effort to buy pre-worn clothes from Poshmark or from sustainable brands like Reformation.

4. Travel Michigan (+ Finally See Australia and New Zealand!)

As I mentioned on Instagram, I was born and raised in Michigan but have still never seen the Upper Peninsula! The shame. This year I want to explore my home state and venture to new-to-me places in the Mitten.

Next winter, I will have a month off at the holidays (by the far the best part of grad school). So I FINALLY want to see Australia and New Zealand. If you have any Oz/NZ recommendations, please let me know!

5. Finish it anyway (i.e. write more)

In 2019, I simply want to write more. Due to imposter syndrome, I often start writing projects and abandon them at a later date. This year I want to write a lot more than usual and even if I feel the normal barrage of self-doubt, finish my writing projects anyway.

6. Get a 3.9 or higher

Last semester I got a 3.8 (probably the highest GPA in my academic career!), so this year I want to get a 3.9 or higher.

7. Get an internship in San Francisco

By far my biggest goal this year is to land a summer internship in San Francisco. Fingers crossed! (And if you know anyone in tech hiring for summer interns in the Bay Area, umm hi!)

. . . . . . . . . . .

Notes on blogging — as you may have noticed, none of my 2019 goals are blogging-related. This is because grad school is super hectic, and I don’t want to overload myself with one extra thing on my plate. That being said, I still love sharing about my life and travels with you guys, so I will probably post once or twice a month. I also plan on continuing my American Expats series, which I’ve really enjoyed doing.

P.S. Stay tuned for my 2019 book recommendations next week! :)

What about you? What are some of your resolutions for 2019?

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

14 thoughts on “2019 Goals + Resolutions”

  1. Hi Ashley! I’m a long-time blog follower and I work in ad tech for a company headquartered in SF. Feel free to check out our site (www.kenshoo.com) to see if it peaks your interest. I’ve been here 4 yrs and cannot speak highly enough about the org. I’m based in our NYC office (not a recruiter or anything) but I wanted to network incase you’re interested! We hire paid interns & are pretty much always hiring for full-time positions. Personally I’m passionate about hiring more women in adtech which is one reason why I wanted to put this on your radar. If interested, send me a note to kfmoody91@gmail.com (my personal gmail) and if not, best wishes for a happy + healthy 2019!!

  2. Love your resolutions, Ashley! Being in our late 20’s (can 30 still count as late 20’s…?), many of our resolutions are similar in nature to your’s. It’s great to hear grad school is going well! We can’t wait to hear about you traveling around Michigan because we’re pretty close by in Wisconsin and have never really been to Michigan.

    • I’ve only been to Baraboo, Wisconsin, so I definitely need to see more of the state! I really want to see the Apostle Islands – they look incredible! :)

  3. Ashley, I’m a recruiter in San Francisco. What kind of summer internship are you looking for specifically?

  4. Hi my Ash!!! You are a beautiful writer and blogger!! So fun to find this and read your goals! Love you always and forever!!

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