What You Actually Need to Pack for Scotland: A Complete Packing List

Scotland packing list

Scotland is a fairly easy place to pack for. The weather is consistently mild all year round, though it can be rainy and windy. When it comes to packing for a trip to Scotland, there are two essentials you’ll want to pack: rain gear and layers.

A note about my packing style — I’m a (sometimes overly) light packer — I packed for Scotland using only a carry-on. Though I like to travel light, I still like to look presentable. I wear a lot of black because it doesn’t stain and looks good with everything. And I have a weakness for red lipstick, as you’ll see in the photos.

Scotland Packing List

What to pack for Scotland

Packing gear

  • 1 carry-on suitcase
  • 1 backpack — for valuables and electronics
  • 1 small crossbody purse — I love this one from Cuyana
  • Packing cubes — the Eagle Creek ones are my favorite


What to pack for Scotland
  • 1 lightweight rain jacket
  • 1 packable down jacket
  • 1 hoodie — for cold days and flying
  • 2 t-shirts
  • 1 long-sleeved black shirt
  • 1 nice blouse
  • 1 plaid wool skirt –- it felt very fitting in Scotland.
  • 1 dress — for if you’re planning on going to a nice restaurant.
  • 1 hoodie — for cold days and flying.
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 pair of black jeans – versatile, and can be dressed up or down.
  • 2 bras – one nude and one black.
  • 5 pairs of underwear – For travel, I love ExOfficio underwear because you can wash it in the sink if necessary, and it dries super-fast.
  • 1 pair of leggings – for flying or travel days.
  • 1 pair of pajamas (optional) – Pajamas are a nice luxury to have after a long travel day.


20 unique photos of Scotland
hiking to the Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye
  • Comfortable boots — You’ll most likely be walking a lot, so bring comfortable, close-toed walking shoes. I brought a pair of black leather Chelsea boots from Clarks similar to these ones — they’re so comfortable!
  • Compact rain boots – I also recommend packing rain boots in case it rains (likely!)
  • 5 pairs of socks
  • Flip flops (optional) – if you’re staying in a hostel, you may want to pack flip flops to use in the showers.
  • Waterproof trail runners (optional) — if you want to do some hiking, bring lightweight hiking shoes.


Tip – don’t overpack your toiletries – you can always buy more once you arrive. Additionally, I recommend packing your toiletries in Ziploc bag, in case they explode mid-flight.


  • Kindle – Especially useful if you’ll be taking a lot of trains.
  • Universal adapter – you can either bring a universal adapter or a UK-specific adapter.
  • 1 pair of headphones
  • 1 portable battery – in case your phone dies.
  • Camera (optional)


20 unique photos of Scotland
  • 1 wool beanie
  • 1 collapsible travel umbrella
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Eye mask and earplugs
  • Costume jewelry – I wouldn’t recommend bringing valuable jewelry, but it can be nice to have a few accent pieces to accessorize an outfit.
  • 1 pair of sunglasses

Other things you might need

Scotland packing list
Enjoying a sunny day at Stirling castle with my dad!

Have you ever been to Scotland? What was on your packing list?

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